Undergraduate and Graduate Courses

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Monmouth College Courses

Majors: English, Philosophy & Religious Studies

English Courses
ENGL110 Composition and Literature
ENGL220 British Survey I
ENGL221 British Survey II
ENGL224 American Survey I
ENGL225 American Survey II
ENGL240 Russian Literature: 19th Century
ENGL347 African American Autobiography & Fiction
ENGL349 Topics in American Literature: Hawthorne and Melville
ENGL350 Special Topics in Literature and Related Areas: 18th Century Literature and Art
ENGL362 Shakespeare II: Tragedies and Romances
ENGL400 Senior Seminar
Philosophy Courses
PHIL102 Critical Thinking: Intro to Logic
PHIL103 Intro to Philosophy: Ethics
PHIL300 Philosophy & Religions of Asia
PHIL307 Modern & Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL309 Classical & Medieval Philosophy
PHIL315 Aesthetics
PHIL320 Individualized Study: Kant
PHIL320 Individualized Study: Hegel
PHIL336 Poetics of the Self
PHIL450 Senior Project: Wittgenstein
Religious Studies Courses
RELG104 Intro to the New Testament: Jesus
RELG105 Intro to the New Testament: Paul
RELG203 History of Christianity I: Origins to Reformation
RELG204 History of Christianity II: Reformation to Present
RELG250 Special Topics: Thought of Paul Tillich
RELG320 Individualized Study: Readings in Karl Barth
RELG405 Future of Religions
RELG479 Cosmology and Creation
Honors Courses
HONR101 Freshman Honors Seminar
HONR200 Honors: Freshman Seminary Associate
HONR201 Honors: The Making of the Modern Mind I
HONR202 Honors: The Making of the Modern Mind II
HONR401 Senior Honors Seminar
HONR402 Honors Project and Presentation
Semester at Newberry Library
ACMW255 Newberry Library in Humanities: Seminar in the Humanities
Project Title Thomas Merton: The Self in the Context of Contemplation and Spirituality
Required Courses
INTR101 Freshman Seminar
SPAN102 Elementary Spanish II
ARTD142 Painting I
SCAT101 Fundamentals of Speech Communication

University of Missouri Courses

Masters of Arts in Information Science & Learning Technologies

PhD in Information Science & Learning Technologies

Library and Information Science Courses
ISLT 7301 Introduction to Information Technology
ISLT 7302 Organization of Information
ISLT 7305 Foundations of Library and Information Science
ISLT 7312 Principles of Cataloging and Classification
ISLT 7313 Management of Collections & Access
ISLT 7314 Reference Sources & Services
ISLT 7315 Management of Information Agencies
ISLT 7370 Intermediate Web Development
ISLT 9409 Seminar in Digital Libraries
ISLT 9410 Management of Electronic Resources
ISLT 9410 Copyright and Libraries
ISLT 9410 Ethics and Information
ISLT 9410 Planning and Evaluation of Information Services
ISLT 9412 Information Storage and Retrieval
ISLT 9428 The History of Books and Printing: The Printed Book
ISLT 9452 Library Use Instruction
ISLT 9085 International Libraries in Context: United Kingdom
ISLT 9410 Social Computing
ISLT 9410 Inquiry in Information Studies
ISLT 9410 Human Information Behavior
ISLT 9410 History of American Libraries
ISLT 9410 Libraries, Literacy, and Social Justice
ISLT 9444 Public Libraries
Methods Courses
ESCPS 7170 Introduction to Educational Statistics
ESCPS 8810 Analysis of Variance in Applied Research
ESCPS 8820 Regression in Applied Research
ESCPS 8630 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research I
PUBAF 8320 Spatial Analysis for Public Affairs
Philosophy Courses (Cognate)
PHIL 9510 Decision Theory
PHIL 9610 Collective Action
PHIL 9820 Epistemology