Curriculum Vitae
C. Sean Burns, PhD
School of Information Science
College of Communication and Information
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0224
sean.burns [AT]
Green OA works at UK
Ph.D., Information Science and Learning Technologies, May 2013
School of Information Science and Learning Technologies, University of Missouri
- Dissertation: Free or Open Access to Scholarly Documentation: Google Scholar or Academic Libraries
- Advisor: John M. Budd
- Support: Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Beta Phi Mu, 2012
- URL:
M.A., Information Science & Learning Technologies, May 2009
School of Information Science and Learning Technologies, University of Missouri
B.A., Philosophy & Religious Studies, English, May 1996
Monmouth College
Associate Professor, 2019-current
School of Information Science, University of Kentucky
Assistant Professor, 2013-2019
School of Information Science, University of Kentucky
Published (or Under Review)
- Burns, C.S., Pusateri, J., & DiGiacomo, D.K. (2024). Learning by doing: An online, open source course design approach to systems librarianship. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science.
- Burns, C.S., & Islam, M.A. (2024). A citation analysis examining geographical specificity in article titles. Scientometrics.; Read only view:; Code and data:
- Burns, C.S. (2023). The issues with journal issues: Let journals be digital libraries. Publications, 11(1).; Preprint:
- Burns, C.S., Kaufmann, R., & Limperos, A. (2021). Mixed findings in directly replicated experimental studies on fake news. First Monday, 26(12).
- Burns, C.S., Nix, T., Shapiro II, R.M., Huber, J.T. (2021). MEDLINE search retrieval issues: A longitudinal query analysis of five vendor platforms. PLOS ONE, 16(5), e0234221. Preprint: Code and data:
- Burns, C.S. (2021). What documents cannot do: Revisiting Polanyi and the tacit knowledge dilemma. Information & Culture, 56(1). Open access copy:
- Spence, P.R., & Burns, C.S. (2020). Retrieving Arguments and Support after Publication: Archiving Links in Communication Research. Communication Studies, 71(5).
- Burns, C.S., Shapiro II, R.M., Nix, T., & Huber, J.T. (2019). Search result outliers among MEDLINE platforms. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 107(3).
- Burns, C.S., & Fox, C.W. (2017). Language and socioeconomics predict geographic variation in peer review outcomes at an ecology journal. Scientometrics, 113(2), 1113-1127. Open access copy:
- •Bossaller, J., Burns, C.S., & VanScoy, A. (2017). Re-conceiving time in reference and information services work: A qualitative secondary analysis. Journal of Documentation, 73, 2-17. Open access copy:
- Fox, C.W., Burns, C.S., Muncy, A.D., & Meyer, J.A. (2017). Author-suggested reviewers: Gender differences and influences on the peer review process at an ecology journal. Functional Ecology, 31, 270-280.
- Bossaller, J., Burns, C.S., & VanScoy, A. (2016). Advancing research for library and information science with qualitative secondary analysis. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 5(3), 593-600. London, UK.
- Kim, Y., & Burns, C.S. (2016). Norms of data sharing in biological sciences: The roles of metadata, data repository, and journal and funding requirements. Journal of Information Science, 42, 230-245.
- Fox, C.W., Burns, C.S., Muncy, A.D., & Meyer, J.A. (2016). Gender differences in patterns of authorship do not affect peer review outcomes at an ecology journal. Functional Ecology, 30, 126-139.; Data:
- Fox, C.W., Burns, C.S., & Meyer, J.A. (2015). Editor and reviewer gender influence the peer review process but not peer review outcomes at an ecology journal. Functional Ecology, 30, 140-153.; Code:; Data:
- Burns, C.S. (2015). Characteristics of a megajournal: A bibliometric case study. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 3(2), 16-30.; Data:
- Fox, C.W., & Burns, C.S. (2015). The relationship between manuscript title structure and success: Editorial decisions and citation performance for an ecological journal. Ecology and Evolution, 5(10), 1970-1980.
- Burns, C.S. (2014). Academic libraries and automation. A historical reflection on Ralph Halstead Parker. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 14(1), 87-102.; Open access copy:
- Adkins, D., & Burns, C.S. (2013). Arizona public libraries serving the Spanish-speaking: Context for changes. Reference and User Services Quarterly, 53(1), 60-70.; Open access copy:
- Burns, C.S., Lana, A., & Budd, J.M. (January/February 2013). Institutional repositories: Exploration of costs and value. D-Lib Magazine, 19(1/2).
- •Burns, C.S. & Bossaller, J. (2012). Communication overload: A phenomenological inquiry into academic reference librarianship. Journal of Documentation, 68(5), 597-617.; Open access copy:
- Moulaison, H., & Burns, C.S. (2012). Organization or conversation in Twitter: A case study of chatterboxing. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 49(1), 1-11.
- Burns, C.S. (2011). Social justice and an information democracy with free and open source software. Information, Society and Justice, 4(2), 19-28. or
- Smith, C., & Burns, C.S. (2011). The First International Workshop on Opportunistic Discovery of Information. Information Research: An International Electronic Journal, 16(3).
- Chen, H., Kochtanek, T., Burns, C., & Shaw, R. (2010). Analyzing users' retrieval behaviors and image queries of a photojournalism image database. The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 34(3), 249-268.
• Equal authorship
Rejected Manuscripts
- (Rejected in 2018). Classifying reproducible search queries in MEDLINE-based databases: A case study.
- (Rejected in 2017). Challenges and discrepancies replicating search queries and results across multiple vendors: The case of MEDLINE.
- (Rejected in 2017). The challenge of replicating literature search results in today's health information environment: A comparison of six database systems.
- (Rejected in 2014). Profiling a megajournal: A bibliometric analysis of the birth of PeerJ.
- Burns, C.S. (2014). Academic libraries and open access strategies. In D. Williams & J. Golden (Eds.), Advances in Library Administration and Organization, 32, pp. 147-211.; Open access copy:
- Burns, C.S. (2014). Promoting Open Access—Within Reason.
- Burns, C.S., Pusateri, J., DiGiacomo, D.K, & Ritchie, K. (2024, October 15). Ungrading's impact on learning and autonomy: Insights from an empirical study. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Goodsett, A.M., & Burns, C.S. (2024, October 10). Exploring faculty agency in open education. Open Education Conference 24, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.,
- Burns, C.S. (2023, October). Charting the digital discourse: Understanding the research and instructional value of discursive exchanges with AI. Commonwealth Computational Summit on AI, Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
- Bossaller, J., & Burns, C.S. (2020, May). Bibliographic subject analysis of fake news. International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML), Barcelona, Spain. Presented virtually due to COVID-19.
- Burns, C.S., & Kaufmann, R. (2019, September). How the presentation of metadata of a news article influences perceptions of fake news. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
- Burns, C.S., Nix, T., Shapiro II, R.M., & Huber, J. T. (2019, September). Codifying discrepancies among MEDLINE platforms to advance instruction and practice. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
- Shapiro II, R.M., Nix, T., Burns, C.S., & Huber, J. T. (2019, May). Variation and outliers in search results among MEDLINE-based platforms: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Medical Library Association (MLA), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- VanScoy, A., Bossaller, J., Burns, C.S. (2017, June). Problems and promises of qualitative secondary analysis for research in information science. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congres annuel de l'ACSI, 2017, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- VanScoy, A., & Burns, C.S. (2015, June). Time in the experience of reference and information service work. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congres annuel de l'ACSI, 2015, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- Burns, C.S. (2014, January). The scholarly journal and disciplinary identity: An autoethnographic reading of The Library Quarterly. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science (ALISE), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Budd, J.M., Burns, C.S., & Moulaison, H.M. (2013). High-stakes information: Deciding what constitutes quality in our products of communication. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 50(1).
- Burns, C. S., Lana, A., & Budd, J. M. (2012, May/June). Institutional repositories: Costs and benefits. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congres annuel de l'ACSI, 2012, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
- Burns, C. S., & Altman, M. C. (2012, January). Who or what is constrained by the Library Bill of Rights? A theoretical analysis of intentionality and collective action for library and information science. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Dallas, Texas, USA.
- Burns, C. S., & Bossaller, J. (2011, June). Experiencing communication overload: A phenomenological study of academic reference librarians at research universities. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Library Association (ALA), Library Research Round Table's (LRRT) Four Star Research Forum, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Burns, C. S. (2011, June). Collecting bibliographic references: A bibliometric analysis of CiteULike's collection as grounds for in-depth interviews. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congres annuel de l'ACSI, 2011, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Burns, C. S. (2011, January). Ralph H. Parker and the history of library automation. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Historical Perspectives Special Interest Group, San Diego, California, USA.
- Burns, C. S. (2010, October). Measuring preferences & finding best strategies: A game theoretical approach to a historical investigation of an academic library. Paper presented at the meeting of the Library Research Seminar (LRS) V, College Park, Maryland, USA.
- Sample, A., Burns, C. S., & Budd, J. M. (2010, October). Exploring intentional information evaluation: Students' assessment of complex issues. Paper presented at the meeting of the Library Research Seminar (LRS) V, College Park, Maryland, USA.
- Burns, C. S. (2010, May). An analysis of bibliographic references collected by a social computing group. Paper presented at the meeting of Connections, London, Ontario, Canada.
- Richardson, B., Burns, C. S., Stewart, K., & Vogler, R. (2011, August). Challenges to funding in U.S. public libraries. Paper presented at the meeting of the Transforming Lives Conference: A UK & US Dialogue on the Value of Information and Public Libraries, Barking Learning Centre, London Borough of Barking & Dagenham, United Kingdom.
- Burns, C.S. (2021, December 16). Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Open Science [Conference presentation, invited]. Fall 2021 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
- Burns, C.S., (2021, April 29). The Tacit Knowledge Dilemma in Open Science. Talk given to the ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Knowledge Management (online). Slides:
- Assefa, D. & Burns, C.S., (2019, March 18). Using machine learning in apps. Talk given to high school students at the Bluegrass Community & Technical College (BCTC).
- Burns, C.S., (2015, October 30). Using the R programming language for mixed-methods research. Talk given to the University of Missouri, School of Information Science and Learning Technologies, Columbia, Missouri, USA.
- Burns, C.S., (2015, October 27). Open science and knowledge management. Talk given to the University of Missouri, School of Information Science and Learning Technologies, Columbia, Missouri, USA.
- Burns, C.S. (2023, August 7). The Impact of of Artificial Intelligence on Academic Libraries, Higher Education, and Human Skills in Critical Evaluation and Reasoning. Invited panelist. UK Libraries Faculty Retreat.
- Burns, C.S. (2020, September 9). Functional search problems among MEDLINE databases. Talk given to the University of Kentucky, College of Communication and Information, Research Seminar Series, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Slides:
- Burns, C.S. (2020, July 29). Engaging students in discussion board forums and encouraging TCE participation. Talk given to the University of Kentucky, College of Communication and Information, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Slides:
- Burns, C.S., Hammer, M., Randall, D.C., & O'Dowd, P. (2018, June 1). The new scholarly communications landscape: What to look for (and avoid) in book and journal publishing. Panel discussion at the 4th Annual University of Kentucky Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Society of Postdoctoral Scholars, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.
- Burns, C.S., (2016, February 16). RQDA and qualitative data analysis. Talk given to the UK ALA Student Chapter, University of Kentucky, College of Communication and Information, Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
- Burns, C.S., Shapiro, R.M., & Peters, C.L. (2015, November 30). Altmetrics and communicating science. Talk given to NIOSH and the University of Kentucky, College of Communication and Information, Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
- Burns, C.S., & Fox, C. W. (2015, March 25). Patterns of bias or partiality in editorial and peer review. Talk given to the University of Kentucky, College of Communication and Information, Research Seminar Series, Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
- Burns, C.S. (2013, November 12). Career talk. Panel discussion given to the University of Kentucky, School of Library and Information Science, Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
- Burns, C.S. (2013, October 22). #Altmetrics: Background and overview. Panel discussion given to the University of Kentucky Libraries, Open Access Week, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Slides:
- •Burns, C. Sean, DiGiacomo, D. K., & Pusateri, J. (2023-10-03). Exploring the impact of ungrading on student learning. Works-in-Progress Poster. Proceedings of the ALISE Annual Conference, Milkwaukee, Wisconsion, USA.
- Burns, C. S., Shapiro II, R. M., Nix, T., & Huber, J. T. (2019, April). Examining MEDLINE search query reproducibility and resulting variation in search results. iConference, Washington, DC, March 31- April 3, 2019.
- Burns, C.S. (2013, January). Google Scholar and free or open access scholarly content: Impact on academic libraries. Doctoral Dissertation Poster. Proceedings of the ALISE Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA.;
- Burns, C.S. (2010, January). Social computing and citation analysis: Identifying future scholarly impact. Proceedings of the ALISE Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Chen, H., Kochtanek, T., & Burns, C. (2009). An analysis of users' image queries of a photojournalism image database: A Web analytics approach. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 46(1), 1-5.
• Equal authorship
- Burns, C. S. (2020, March 4). Introduction to plotting in R. Workshop for faculty and graduate students in Instructional Communication Research at the University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
- Burns, C. S. (2019, November 8). Introduction to R programming. Workshop for faculty and graduate students in Instructional Communication Research at the University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
- Radford, M. L., Kitzie, V., Floegel, D., Connaway, L. S., Bossaller, J., & Burns, S. (2019, April 3). InVivo inspiration: Investigating computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS). iConference, Washington, DC, USA. Slides:
- Adkins, D., & Burns, C.S. (2011, December 15). How do Arizona's public libraries serve the Spanish-speaking? REFORMA Newsletter.§ion=1&article=36
- Kochtanek, T.R., Burns, S., Erdelez, S., & Borwick, J. (2008, February 29). A qualitative assessment of the MoDOT Web site: Final report. Missouri Department of Transportation, Project #RI07-040
- School of Information Science, University of Kentucky. Investigating the impact of ungrading on STEM learning. $10,000. Co-Investigator: Daniela K. DiGiacomo. Dates: June 1, 2024—June 30, 2025. Status: Awarded.
- OER Grant Program, University of Kentucky, UK Libraries. Funding to create a OER textbook on semantic web development. $3,275. Dates: June 1, 2024—June 30, 2025. Status: Awarded.
- Research and Creative Activities Program (RCAP), University of Kentucky, College of Communication and Information. How News Articles as Documents Influence Perceptions of Fake News. $2,336. Dates: May 2020—May 2021. Status: Awarded.
- Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Kentucky, College of Communication and Information. Examining Variances and Deviances in Health and Medical Databases to Support Systematic Review Research. $5,000. Dates: Summer 2018. Status: Awarded.
- IMLS. Consultant. Planning Research Data Services in Academic Libraries: Designing a Conceptual Services Model based on Patron Needs Assessment. No. RE-32-16-0140-16, $49,844.00, Principal Investigator: Soohyung Joo. Dates: 2016—2017. Status: Awarded.
Not Funded
- Testing a Tax on Sharing False Information on Social Media. Meta. Requested amount $50,000. Submitted November 2022. Status: Declined.
- RCN: Episodic Risk Communication Network. Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation, National Science Foundation (NSF), No. 1632916, $497,811.00, Principal Investigator: Jeannette N. Sutton. Dates: 2016—2020. Submitted February 15, 2016. Status: Declined.
- Standard Grant: Benefit Cost Analysis of U.S. Dual Use Research of Concern Policies. Division of Social and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation (NSF), No. 1556619, $462,888.00, Principal Investigator: Carole R. Baskin. With Co-PIs: Kavita M. Berger, Scott Farrow, and Terri Rebmann. Dates: 2016—2018. Submitted August 1, 2015. Status: Declined.
- Digital Media + Learning Competition 5. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Information Ethics Collective. Collaborating Research with with Jasmine McNealy (PI), Sean Burns, Seungahn Nah, and Jayson Richardson. Requested amount $130,251. Submitted February 15, 2015. Status: Declined.
- Knight Foundation. Building Digital Literacy: Libraries in Action (LIA). Collaborating Research with Deloris Foxworth, Brandi Frisby, Jeffrey Huber, Jasmine McNealy, Seungahn Nah, Shannon Oltmann, Michael Tsikerdekis, and Sherali Zeadally. Requested amount varies. Submitted September 30, 2014. Status: Declined.
College of Communication and Information, Doctoral Committee Member
- Dissertation Co-Advisor (w/ Renee Kaufmann), Christy Chapman, 2021— (in progress)
University of Kentucky, as Assistant/Associate Professor
Undergraduate Courses
- Composition and Communication, CIS 110
- General Information Sources, IS/ICT 201
- Personal Knowledge Management, IS/ICT 201
- Systems Administration with Linux, ICT 418
- Semantic Web Development, ICT 420
Graduate Courses
- Information Search, LIS 601
- Information Seeking, LIS 601
- Information Resources and Services, LIS 621
- Knowledge Management, LIS/ICT 658
- Electronic Resource Management, LIS 617
- Systems Librarianship, LIS 690
University of Missouri, as Lecturer
Graduate Courses
- Reference Sources and Services, ISLT 7314
- Information in the Disciplines, ISLT 9420
- Academic Libraries, ISLT 9443
University of Missouri, as Graduate Teaching Assistant
Graduate Courses
- Managing Collections and Access, ISLT 7313, with Dr. John M. Budd
- Foundations of Library and Information Science, ISLT 7350, with Dr. Linda Esser
- Seminar: Metadata, ISLT 9410, with Dr. Heather Moulaison
- Seminar: Social Constructs of Information, ISLT 9410, with Dr. Melanie Brooks
- Information Storage and Retrieval, ISLT 9412, with Dr. Thomas Kochtanek
- Ethics and Information, ISLT 9423 with Dr. John M. Budd
Guest Lectures
- Introduction to Zotero in CI 601: Proseminar in Communication, Dr. Renee Kaufmann, University of Kentucky, Fall 2024.
- Geo-Spatial Mapping in Exploring and Analyzing ICTs: Methodological Approaches, Dr. Jessalyn Vallade, University of Kentucky, Fall 2018, Fall 2020, Fall 2022.
- Scholarly Communication in Proseminar in Communication, Dr. Kelly McAninch, University of Kentucky, Fall 2018.
- Peer Review in Proseminar in Communication, Dr. Douglas Boyd, University of Kentucky, Fall 2017.
- Geo-Spatial Mapping in Exploring and Analyzing ICTs: Methodological Approaches, Dr. Brandi N. Frisby, University of Kentucky, Fall 2016.
- Secondary Qualitative Analysis in Proseminar in Communication, Dr. Douglas Boyd, University of Kentucky, Fall 2016.
- Bibliometrics and Altmetrics in Publishing Process and Ethics, Dr. Charles W. Fox, University of Kentucky, Spring 2016
- Megajournals and the State of Scholarly Publishing in Proseminar in Communication, Dean Dan O'Hair and Dr. Douglas Boyd, University of Kentucky, Fall 2015
- Social Media and Altmetrics in Publication Process and Ethics, Dr. Charles W. Fox, University of Kentucky, Fall 2013
- Emerging Technologies in Scholarly Communication in Emerging Technologies, Dr. Heather Moulaison, University of Missouri, Fall 2011
Professional Associations
- Board member, 2024—2027:
- President—Elect, 2024—2025
- President, 2025—2026
- Immediate Past—President, 2026—2027
- Co-Chair, Conference Programming Planning Committee, 2023
- Member, Program Committee, 2022
- Chair, Service to ALISE, 2020—2021
- Member, Service to ALISE, 2019—2020
- Member, Program Committee, 2019
- Chair, ALISE / Norman Horrocks Leadership Award committee, 2018—2019
- Member, ALISE / Norman Horrocks Leadership Award committee, 2017—2018
- Co-chair, Juried Papers, with Howard Rodriguez—Mori, 2016—2017
- Member, Program Committee, 2017
- Member, Nominating Committee, 2015—2016
- Convener, Historical Perspectives Special Interest Group, with Susan Rathbun—Grubb, 2015—2016
- Member, Centennial Celebration Committee, 2013—2014
- Member, Nominating Committee, 2014—2015
- Convener, Historical Perspectives Special Interest Group, with Susan Rathbun—Grubb, 2014—2015
- Chair, Award for Professional Contribution to Library and Information Science, 2013—2014
- Convener, Historical Perspectives Special Interest Group, with Ellen M. Pozzi, 2013—2014
- Member, Award for Professional Contribution to Library and Information Science, 2012—2013
- Convener, Historical Perspectives Special Interest Group, with Ellen M. Pozzi, 2012—2013
- Member, Program Committee, 2020
- Member, Program Committee, 2019
- Member, Program Committee, 2018
- Member, Program Committee, 2017
- Member, Thomson Reuters Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Scholarship, 2014—2015
- SIG-MET ASIS&T, Workshop reviewer, 2014
- Membership Officer, SIG-MET, 2013—2014
- SIG-MET ASIS&T, Workshop Student Contest reviewer, 2013
- Membership Officer, SIG-MET, 2012—2013
- Member, Program Committee, 2017
SoLAR: Society for Learning Analytics Research
- Member, Program Committee, 2018
- Reviewer, Posters/Papers, 2014—2019
Kentucky Conference on Health Communication
- Reviewer, Posters/Papers, 2022
- Reviewer, Papers, 2021
Editorial Board
- Internet Reference Services Quarterly (IRSQ) (2023—)
- Publications (2020—2023)
Reviewing Activities
Grant Application Reviews
Tenure and Promotion File Reviews, External Reviewer
- Tenure and Promotion Review for Associate Professor (2024)
Manuscript Reviews
- Accountability in Research: Ethics, Integrity and Policy
- Acta Ophthalmologica
- Ecology and Evolution
- First Monday
- Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics: Scholarly Communication
- Information & Culture
- Journal of Documentation
- Journal of Education for Library and Information Science
- Journal of Gender Studies
- Journal of Information Science
- Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
- Journal of the Medical Library Association
- Learned Publishing
- Nature Evolution and Ecology
- Open Education Studies
- Perspectives on Psychological Science
- Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
- Publications
- Scientometrics
- Sustainability
- Systematic Reviews
- The Clinical Teacher
University of Kentucky
University Service
- Member, Graduate Council, 2025—
- Member, ITS Advisory Council, 2020—2026
- Member, Research Enablement and Outreach Task Force, 2017
College of Communication and Information
- Member, College Research Advisory Committee, 2021—
- Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee, 2023—2024
- Vice—Chair, Faculty Council, 2022—2023
- Member, Faculty Council, 2021—2022
- Member, Faculty Council, 2015—2016
- Member, Work—life Task Force, 2015—2016
- Member, Faculty Council, 2014—2015
- Member, Graduate Program Web Site Committee ad hoc, 2014—2015
School of Information Science
- Member, School Executive Committee, 2024—2025
- Convenor, Search Committee, 2023—2024
- Convenor, Promotion & Tenure Committee, 2022—2023
- Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee, 2021—2022
- Member, Mission and Vision Committee ad hoc, 2021—2022
- Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee, Fall 2020
- Member, Executive Committee, 2019—2020
Information & Communication Technology
- Member, Planning Committee, 2024—2025
- Member, Exam Committee, 2024—2025
- Member, Admissions Committee, 2023—2024
- Member, Exam Committee, 2023—2024
- Member, Exit Assessment Committee (ad hoc), 2022—2023
- Convenor, Curriculum Committee, Fall 2020
- Member, Exam Committee, Fall 2020
- Member, Curriculum Committee, 2019—2020
- Convener, Planning Committee, 2018—2019
- Convener, Planning Committee, 2017—2018
- Member, Promotion & Tenure ad hoc Committee on P&T Guidelines, 2017—2018
- Member, Search Committee, 2016—2017
- Member, Search Committee, 2015—2016
- Member, Search Committee, 2014—2015
Library Science
- Member, Exam Committee, 2024—2025
- Convenor, LIS Strategic Planning Committee, 2023—2024
- Convenor, LIS Strategic Planning Committee, 2022—2023
- Member, Exit Assessment Committee (ad hoc), 2022—2023
- Member, Exam Committee, 2018—2019
- Convener, Planning Committee, 2016—2017
- Member, Exam Committee, Summer 2016
- Convener, Planning Committee, 2015—2016
- Member, Exam Committee, Summer 2015
- Member, Exam Committee, Summer 2014
- Convener, Data Science Program ad hoc Committee, 2014
- Member, Planning Committee, 2013—2014
- Member, Search Committee, 2013
University of Missouri
- Secretary and Web master, LISGSA, 2008—2009
Honor Societies
- Beta Phi Mu, 2014
- Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2012
- RUSA Reference Service Press Award (ALA), 2016
- ALISE/Norman Horrocks Leadership Award, 2016
University of Kentucky
- Teacher Who Made a Difference, College of Education, 2020
- Teacher Who Made a Difference, College of Education, 2019
- Teacher Who Made a Difference, College of Education, 2015
University of Missouri
- TA Choice Award, Missouri Students Association, 2013
Instructor, 2011—2013
School of Information Science and Learning Technologies,
University of Missouri
Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2009—2013
School of Information Science and Learning Technologies,
University of Missouri
Technical Services and Cataloging Assistant Librarian, 2011—2012
Hugh Stephens Library,
Stephens College
Graduate Research Assistant, 2008—2009
Pictures of the Year International,
University of Missouri
Evening and Weekend Reference Librarian, 2007—2009
Hugh Stephens Library,
Stephens College
Graduate Research Assistant, 2007—2008
School of Information Science and Learning Technologies,
University of Missouri